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The Oleh's Tfilah was written by Rav Noam Perel, and is meant to be said every year by each Oleh on the individual anniversary of their Aliyah.

The Tfillah begins by giving thanks to Hashem for providing the Oleh with the opportunity and privilege to be a part of the Jewish Nation, in the Land of Israel.

The Tfilah continues by showing gratitude and excitement about establishing life in the land of Israel, and then with a promise to continue to love the land, all the days of their lives.

Lastly, the Tfilah ensures that the Oleh will remember the community or communities from which they have come, and that they will bring their life experiences to the Land of Israel. The Oleh will continue to hope and pray for the members of their community to join them and the land of Israel, and thanks to Hashem for making this dream possible.

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