Aliyah & Bogrim BA'aretz
Since the movements founding, Bnei Akiva has brought over 100,000 olim to Israel. Aliyah is the ultimate expression of our ideology, and a goal to which we educate chanichim from around the world.
World Bnei Akiva is here to help potential and current olim realise their Aliyah dream and settle into Israeli society. We offer personal assistance in directing you to the relevant groups/organizations/personal to assist you with your specific needs including social and educational events for olim by BA and our affiliates. We are also a proud employer of many graduates of Bnei Akiva around the world in full-time and part-time capacities.
We encourage olim to be in touch with us and receive friendly guidance. If you are planning on making Aliyah, or if you have made Aliyah already, please let us know by filling out the form below, and we will be in touch to offer assistance.
If you have made Aliyah already - the join our BOGRIM BA'ARETZ group and enjoy our many yearly events.

If you are a boger Bnei Akiva who has made Aliya - then Bogrim BA'Aretz is for YOU!
The purpose of Bogrim BA'Aretz is to build a Bnei Akiva bogrim-olim community in Israel, where events, news and networking takes place.
We organize amazing events for our bogrim in Israel throughout the year. Sign-up to our mailing and whatsapp lists below and make sure not to miss out.
We are here for you! See you soon!
Follow Bogrim BA'aretz on social media:

World Bnei Akiva and the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption work together to encourage Aliyah amongst the bogrim of the movement around the world.

בני עקיבא העולמית ומשרד העלייה והקליטה פועלים במשותף לעידוד העליה בקרב בוגרי התנועה בעולם.