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Hachnasat Sefer Torah

The families of Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrach, who were kidnapped in June 2014, have dedicated a Sefer Torah in their memory. It is an honor and privilege for the Mechina Olamit to be the recipient for this Torah, which will be housed in our Beit Midrash.


Ofir Shaer, the father of Gilad z”l, spoke at the dedication ceremony on the concept of unity, “achdut”, as a key value that emerged and supported them during the very difficult period, while searching for their sons. The families chose the Mechina Olamit to be the home for the Sefer Torah because of the Mechina’s goal to unite different sectors of Am Yisrael.


The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav David Lau, was present at the ceremony and completed the last words in the Sefer Torah. The ceremony was an inspiring reminder of the power of unity.

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