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July 2019 | תמוז תשע״ט
GivingBAck 2019
During the month of Iyar Bnei Akiva held its annual fundraising campaign. This year we held 16 campaigns in different places around the world, collectively raising over 6,000,000 shekels for Bnei Akiva.
One of the campaigns, “The Ethiopian Campaign”, enabled us to establish a Bnei Akiva Machane this summer in Gondar, Ethiopia. It will be run by a group of our bogrim with the goal of strengthening Ethiopian Jewry waiting to make Aliyah, and to instill the values of the Torah and Avodah with the youth and the community. We thank our partners in the challenge of bringing the remaining Ethiopian Jews to Israel – מטה המאבק להעלאת יהודי אתיופיה, and the Zera Israel Foundation.