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Dalyah Levintov full_edited.jpg


Director, Camp Amichai & Director, Tirat Yosef Beit Bnei Akiva

Ilan is the founder and Director of Camp Amichai, and the Director of the new Beit Bnei Akiva educational center and guest house in Jerusalem.
An oleh from South Africa, Ilan was active in Bnei Akiva S.A. as a chanich and madrich. He is a boger of MTA and held many senior positions there including National Merakez and Rosh Machaneh.
Ilan has worked at World Bnei Akiva since 2001, and has headed many programs and initiatives, including Director of the UK and Southern Hemisphere desk, Director of the lone soldiers machal dept, Director of the board of governors and Director of the short term and Hachshara Israel programs Dept.
Ilan is a co-founder of the World Bnei Akiva Mechina in Migdal Oz.
Ilan serves as the educational consultant to World Bnei Akiva and is heading the Tirat Yosef education center and guest house in Jerusalem and the new Mechina and volunteer center in Haifa that are currently being built. He is also a Director at Tlalim Educational Tours.
Ilan has a BA in Organizational Psychology, Education and is a licensed Social Worker.
Ilan is passionate about Bnei Akiva, youth in Israel and abroad, and is inspired by the challenges the generation presents.

Contact Details

Office: +972-2-620-9012

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