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Bogrim BA'aretz

Bogrim BA'aretz InforMe Night!

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

From the movements founding, Bnei Akiva has brought over 100,000 Olim to Israel. Aliyah is the ultimate expression of our ideology, and a goal to which we educate chanichim from around the world. Bogrim BA'Aretz builds a Bnei Akiva bogrim-olim community in Israel, where events, news and networking takes place. Since 2017 Bogrim BA'aretz has been strengthening the olim community by hosting events throughout the year. We host the annual Yom Ha'Aliyah party, Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Tefillat Yom Ha'Atzmaut, and so much more.


It’s well known that Bnei Akiva encourages Aliyah, but for those who take the plunge and make their home Israel – you’re not alone!

This past Thursday we partnered with Nefesh B'Nefesh for a bogrim info night which was a great success! Thank you to our incredible speakers Daniel Winer, Shimon Cohen, and Nadav Ellinson who gave presentations on Israeli contracts, insurance, and saving and investing money here in Israel. All three presenters have successful businesses in their respective fields, and welcome you to reach out if you need help!

Daniel Winer -

Shimon Cohen - Egert and Cohen Insurance

Nadav Ellinson -

We also want to extend a big thank you to Nefesh B’Nefesh for hosting our event at their beautiful Aliyah Campus!

We look forward seeing you at our Megillah Reading in Jerusalem, the evening of March 17!


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