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Divrei Torah



Israel Education


Divrei Torah

Aish Divrei Torah

Divrei Torah for Parashat HaShavua split into beginner, advanced and family.

Aleph Beta

Divrei Torah with animated videos, many of which use textual analysis. There are also podcasts on spotify called "Into the Verse." Having a free account limits the amount of videos you can watch.


Chabad has summaries, text-based learning, in-depth studies, videos, columnists, audio shiurim, family and the weekly haftarah for the weekly parsha.

Rabbi Sacks Archives

Divrei Torah by Rabbi Sacks z"l, split into year, topic and parsha. There are many other relevant videos and articles on the site about modern Jewish society and Jewish values.

YU Torah

Hundreds of thousands of audio shiurim. There are many filters to find the topic you want.

Divrei Torah split into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. There are also resources for the Jewish year cycle and Jewish values.


Halachot split into many mitzvot, including kashrut and shabbat.

Pinenei Halacha

Online access to Pinenei Halacha sefarim. Authored by Rav Eliezer Melamed, Pinenei Halacha explains halachot in an understandeable manner with explanations. Originally in Hebrew, many of his books were translated into English, Spanish, French and Russian.


Divrei Torah



USHMM Holocaust Records

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's site which houses records, testimonies, stories, aritifacts and more about the Holocaust.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's website. Access to information about the Holocaust, antisemetism and genocide, survivor testimonies, resources for educators and much more.

Yad Vashem

Israel's Holocaust Rememberance Center's website. Access to information about the Holocaust survivor testimonies, names database, educational materials and even "ready to print" exhibitions. Worth exploring the site to see all that it has.

Israel Education

Israel Education

Honest Reporting

Pro-Israel news articles.

Israel Education

Activities and peulot-type resources about Jewish identity and connection to Medinat Yisrael.


Educational materials about the State of Israel, Jewish identity, current events and more. Multi-media resources such as discussion questions to relevant films and music challenge people's understanding of the State of Israel, Jewish nationhood, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. They also have a podcast series The Israel Series on Spotify where they discuss Israel's current events and history and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Stand with Us

Stand with Us is a Pro-Israel organization whose goal is "Supporting Israel and fighting antisemetism around the world." The site houses facts about Israel and Zionism and also spreads awareness about anti-Israel organizations.

Times of Israel

Israel news in English which is relatively unbiased.

Unpacked Videos

Unpacked has informative videos explaining Jewish and Israeli historical events and challenging views against Judaism and Israel.



Detailed History of the Jewish People

Articles and videos by Rabbi Ken Spiro, discussing Jewish historical events and and ideas.

Fun Song about Jewish history

Fun Jewish history video to the tune of "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel.

Judaism Explained

Explanations of basic Jewish ideas and rituals.

My Jewish Learning

Database of Jewish history, figures, Israel education and more.

Written/Oral Torah

Descriptions and summaries of each book of Tanach



Chabad has summaries, text-based learning, in-depth studies, videos, columnists, audio shiurim, family and the weekly haftarah for the weekly parsha.


Jewish texts, including Tanach, Talmud, Midrash, Rishonim, Acharonim and more, most with English translations. With an account, you can easily create a source sheet and print it.

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